This blog is created for the purpose of learning and development of renewable energy in Indonesia

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
What is a Micro or Mini hydro
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Microhydro Power Electric Prospect in Indonesia
Scheme "on grid" unattractive for Investor since resulting energy of micro hydro or mini hydro is valued cheaper by "PLN" States electric firm ( on Java island Rp 432 / kWh) appealed by energy that resulting other source, accordingly payback period becomes longer upon five years. Investment that is embedded also overrisk since environmental damage, one that high enough that is 1,08 million hectares / year, who can threaten water for continuity of micro hydro so designing age be not been reached. For scheme "off grid" opportunity for investor because shan't sell electricity goes to PLN, but direct goes to consumer, especially to remote area that has no PLN electricity network. Click here
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Bagaimana cara mengelola PLTMH dengan baik?( How to manage the MHP ? )
- Apakah PLTMH
- Mengapa PLTMH
- Kepengurusan untuk pengelolaan listrik
- Aturan pengelolaan
- Penetapan iuran,
- Pemeliharaan
- dll
Saturday, October 24, 2009
KERJA KERAS ADALAH ENERGI KITA (Hard work is our energy)
Awalnya kaget melihat tayangan di google adsense diblog saya tentang Pertamina Blog Contest , sungguh sangat menggelitik hati dan akhirnya saya bergabung untuk mengikutinya.
"Kerja keras adalah energi kita", mengandung makna yang dalam tentang etos kerja dan dari kecil kita sudah terbiasa mendengar slogan tersebut lewat berbagai macam istilah yang memiliki nilai rasa hampir sepadan seperti ; “ sedikit-sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit”, atau “tetesan air pun dapat melubangi batu”, masih banyak lagi slogan serupa yang bisa digali dari khasanah budaya bangsa kita dan ini pula mencerminkan bahwa bangsa kita adalah pekerja keras/pejuang.
Sepanjang hidup saya cukup banyak daerah di
Jangan heran bila masyarakat disana berjuang keras untuk mendapatkan akses ekonomi maupun pendidikan di negeri tetangga dengan cara-cara mereka. Sebagai contoh untuk mendapatkan gas LPG buat memasak mereka harus melintasi perbatasan dengan menghadapi banyak resiko karena produk LPG negeri sendiri masih sulit didapat dan harganya terlalu mahal dibandingkan buatan negeri tetangga. Masyarakat telah bekerja keras untuk memperbaiki kehidupannya, akankah Pertamina mau bekerja keras demi bangsa ini? Kerja keras memang adalah energi yang tak terbatas selama hayat masih dikandung badan dan mampu merubah keadaan yang kadang tidak pernah terbayangkan oleh kita sebelumnya. Tidak ada kata terlambat dalam memperbaiki diri, saya yakin Pertamina dapat segera meraih kejayaan dan mendapat tempat dihati rakyat, karena saat ini banyak rakyat Indonesia sedang menantimu dengan sabar dan penuh harap di tapal batas keputusasaan akan pemenuhan kebutuhan energi dan semoga mereka tak terlalu lama menanti.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Electronic Load Controller For Microhydro System ( ELC )

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Industrial Biodiesel Plant Design and Engineering ( Practical Experience )
Friday, October 2, 2009
Welded Stell Penstocks (Engineering Monograph)
United States Department Of The Interior Bureau Of Reclamation
THIS MONOGRAPH will assist designers in the solution of problems in design and construction of safe penstocks which may be fabricated in accordance with modern manufacturing procedures. Certain rules relative to materials, stresses, and tests might be considered unnecessarily conservative. Safety is of paramount importance, however, and penstocks designed and constructed according to these rules have given satisfactory service through years of operation.
Welded Steel Penstocks presents information concerning modern design and construction methods for pressure vessels applied to penstocks for hydroelectric power plants. The data are based on some 40 years experience in penstock construction by the Bureau of Reclamation. During this period many of the largest penstocks in service today were designed and constructed.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Errors that often occur in the design M.H.P
- Take a careless flow design through without consideration / calculation of hydrological cycle (region wide catchment rainfall, rainfall, watershed conditions etc.) in the area to be built Micro Hydro Power of Labor (M.H.P), so that the generator does not work optimally or decrease the age (under age design).
- Penstock pipes placed in the area of unstable slopes, especially with the level slope more than 35% (landslide), so that placement in the penstock / analysis to be performed on the anchor structure of the soil strength
- Making buildings intake (dam) that does not take into account / downstream flow of attention to scrape the dam foundation, that can be suddenly forebay (vessel) of water shortages.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Biodiesel Experiment
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Pumped Storage Hydro Electric
By Ahmad Suhendra
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Production Of Pure Ethanol

By P.Pruksathorn and T.Vitidsant
One Low -Tech Solution to High -Tech Problem
Friday, August 14, 2009
The state of art of Hydrokinetic power in Brazil
Moreover it is relevant to say that the developed technology proved is necessary to be robust and suitable for the extremely severe conditions of the remote and isolated villages, since it is has been functioning uninterruptedly from several years with a minimum maintenance. This type of small hydro kinetic power plant typically can provide up to 2 kW of electric power, being a reliable alternative for the electrification of remote and isolated households, communities or social end-users.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Water Turbine Speed
Type of turbine | Nominal speed(n rpm) | Runaway speed |
Semi Kaplan, single regulated | 75-100 | 2-2.4 |
Kaplan, double regulated | 75-150 | 2.8-3.2 |
Small-medium Kaplan | 250-700 | 2.8-3.2 |
Francis (medium & high head) | 500-1500 | 1.8-2.2 |
Francis (low head) | 250-500 | 1.8-2.2 |
Pelton | 500-1500 | 1.8-2 |
Crossflow | 100-1000 | 1.8-2 |
Turgo | 600-1000 | 2 |
Selection type of turbine

ns = 3.65 . n . Q 0.5 . H (- 0.75)
ns = 270 – 1000 Kaplan/Propeller
ns = 60 – 350 Francis
ns = 42 – 170 Cross flow
ns = 8 – 72 Pelton
Where :
n = Round turbine speed /Nominal speed (rpm)
Q = Design flow (m3/det)
H = Net Head (m)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Renewable energy business opportunity in Indonesia
There are renewable energy sources such as :
Indonesia has ocean as extensive as 4 million km square with its shoreline along 80,791 km and this potency is sizable for oceanic energy. There is 3 energy source from ocean that can be developed such as ; wave, ebb, and difference temperature among surface and oceanic inner.
3.Solar radiation
Friday, May 29, 2009
Manual for wind turbine construction
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Wind speed average in Indonesia

On the NASA's Image can be seen that region has wind speed average greatest is Nusa South East, 5.5-6.6 m/s. Meanwhile island outgrows at Indonesia as Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Sulawesi and Papua just have wind speed average between 2.7-4.5 m/s.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Analysis of Energy Utilization in Indonesia
Meanwhile electricity generation sector is fulfilled by refined products, coal, natural gas and renewable energy. Energy mix in electricity generation represents also energy utilization status and electricity power generation technology applied. Energy mix of Indonesia is similar to energy mix of Jawa, because most ofelectricity is generated in Jawa.
Percentage of diesel oil and fuel oil utilization for electricity generation is going down, they are substituted by other type of energy such as coal and natural gas.
Click here
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Why is energy of wind power insufficiently been developed in Indonesia ?
by Chayun Budiono
Monday, April 13, 2009
Indonesian Government plans to build borderland
From 460 regencies those at Indonesia as much 26 regencies are in borderlands with category drops behind and indigent. Less infrastructure's at than region progressively exacerbate aught condition. One of example is society condition at border of west Borneo such as Badau and Lanjak in comparison with neighbor society (Malaysia)by a long shot affluent, like earth and sky so no wonder a lot of found double civics.
One of infrastructure which expected by border society is the availability of electrification for economy activity, education and information. While at borderland is still a lot of water source that potentially to be made 10-100 Kilowatts of micro hydro power electric .
by Ahmad Suhendra
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Investment estimation for the development of micro hydro power electric in Indonesia
Investment Climate (on grid/not stand alone)
Investment estimation for the development of micro hydro power electric at several regions as one appears on list below
1. Java and Bali (10,000-15,000) Rupiahs/watt
2. Sumatra (15,000-20,000) Rupiahs/watt
3. Borneo (25,000-40,000) Rupiahs/watt
4. Sulawesi (20,000-25,000) Rupiahs/watt
5. Papua (40,000-60,000) Rupiahs/watt
reading source
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Remote area society in papua, Irian Jaya
On July 1998, Remote area society in papua, they waited for
pelton's turbine assembly ( finished assembly in 1999) to electricity on their kampong.
Juli tahun 1998 di daerah pedalaman papua, mereka menunggu pemasangan turbin pelton (selesai tahun 1999) yang akan mengalirkan listrik ke kampung mereka.
Technical guidance of micro pelton turbine design for areas that have high head but small discharge.
Petunjuk teknis rancang bangun turbin pelton mikro untuk daerah yang memiliki head tinggi tetapi debit (flow) kecil.
klik disini
Technical guidelines for measuring water potential of micro-hydro.
Petunjuk teknis pengambilan data air untuk mikrohidro.
klik disini
UJI ALAT PENGHEMAT BBM ( magnetic fuel saver experiment )
Apakah alat penghemat BBM yang menggunakan medan magnet dapat menghemat BBM sekitar 15-25%, seperti yang di-iklankan?
Uji coba alat penghemat bahan bakar magnetik, klik disini