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Saturday, May 1, 2010

IMIDAP - Guide books for MHP feasibility study in Indonesia

(Integrated Micro-Hydro Development and Application Program)

The overall objectives of IMIDAP are:
  1. To enhance interest among the Indonesian private sector in the micro-hydro power business;
  2. To increase the number of community-based micro-hydro projects as a result of effective institutional capacity building;
  3. To improve the availability, and local knowledge, of micro-hydro technology applications in the potential locations of micro-hydro development;
  4. To increase private sector and rural community joint implemen-tation of micro-hydro projects.

FS Guide books for MHP

1. Pedoman UMUM Penyusunan Studi Kelayakan PLTMH [BUKU UTAMA]*

2. Pedoman Studi Potensi (Pra Studi Kelayakan) [BUKU 1]*

3. Pedoman Teknis Standarisasi Peralatan dan Komponen PLTMH*

4. Pedoman Studi Kelayakan Hidrologi [BUKU 2 A]*

5. Pedoman Studi Kelayakan Sipil [BUKU 2 B]*

6. Pedoman Studi Kelayakan Mekanikal Elektrikal [BUKU 2 C]*

7. Pedoman Studi Kelayakan Ekonomi / Finansial [BUKU 2 D]*

8. Pedoman Studi Kelayakan Sosial Budaya [BUKU 2 E]*

9. Pedoman Studi Kelayakan Lingkungan [BUKU 2 F]*

10. Pedoman Studi Komprehensif Berkelanjutan [BUKU 2 G]*

11. Pedoman Penyusunan Laporan Studi Kelayakan Teknis [BUKU 3]*

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