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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The documents required in the construction of hydroelectric power in Indonesia

Did you know?
How many documents are needed for the construction of mini-hydro power plant in Indonesia?

The documents required in the construction of hydroelectric power in Indonesia, quite a lot and cumbersome and therefore has not seen government efforts to accelerate the utilization of renewable energy.
  1. Principles of forestry land use permit from the Ministry of Forestry.
  2. Principle permit replacement of land forest from the Ministry of Forestry.
  3. Official recommendation of the Energy and Mineral Resources. (Provincial level).
  4. Recommendations from the Governor
  5. Principle permit the use of land forest (from the Province).
  6. Permit principle of Regents.
  7. Utilization and land use permits (IPPT)
  8. Principle permit the use of land forest from the Regent.
  9. Building permit (IMB)
And many more documents are needed.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Application of micro hydro power plant in Indonesia

By Ahmad Suhendra
Scheme "on the grid" is less attractive to investors because the electrical energy produced by microhydro or minihidro power plant valued more cheaply by PLN (in Java Rp 432/kWh) than the electrical energy produced by other sources (eg fossil) , resulting in payback period becomes longer than 5 years. Also invested too risky, because the rate of environmental degradation (forest), which is high at 1.08 million hectares per year that could threaten the availability of water for the survival of micro hydropower plant so that the old design is not achieved. For the scheme "off the grid" there are still opportunities for investors because they do not have to sell electricity to PLN, but directly to consumers, particularly for rural areas that are not grid.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wind Turbines

This book is concerned with the subject of wind energy, as source of clean and renewable and free for all. The need for this type of book is very well documented, the current consumption of energy is unsustainable and humans have to change their habits and or utilise this source, but there is so much work before we can rely completely an renewable energy. This book aims to describe the fundamentals of wind energy and the pertinent parameters that control the amount of energy available from given win turbine.

Wind Turbines
(c) 2010 T.Al-Shemmeri & Ventus Publishing ApS
ISBN 978-87-7681-692-6

Benchmark prices in the Framework of Power Purchase Accelerating Indonesia's Energy Diversification

The benchmark prices of the Power Purchase are as follows :

(According to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 044 of 2006)
Prices are stated in U.S. dollars
  • 4. 95 U.S. cents / kWh for capacity to 25 MW per-unit;
  • 4.75 U.S. cents / kWh for capacity > 25 MW sd 150 MW per-unit;
  • 4.50 U.S. cents / kWh for capacity > 150 MW per-unit.
Or prices set by the Electricity Basic Tariff (Tarif Dasar Listrik/TDL)
  • 70% of TDL to capacity to 25 MW per-unit;
  • 65% of TDL to capacity> 25 MW to 150 MW per-unit;
  • 60% of TDL to capacity> 150 MW per-unit.
Power purchase price may change if there is agreement between both parties regarding changes to the indicator, inflation, factors generating capacity, and coal prices.

  1. Purchase price of electricity set by the Government is the highest benchmark price.
  2. While the amount of the contract is an agreement of both parties according to the mechanism of Bussiness to Bussiness.
  3. The benchmark price setting process is "bottom-up", which is based on the proposal of PT. PLN (Persero).
  4. Power purchase price adjustment is possible, as long as agreed by both parties and stated in the contract of sale of electricity.
Download Electricity Basic Tariff 2010 (Tarif Dasar Listrik/TDL)

Ref :


For those of you who will do business power in Indonesia for a small or medium then you should know the basic laws and regulations that exist in Indonesia.

Photo by Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral

Business guide for small-scale Power Generation and spread in Indonesia
NO: 1122 K/30/MEM/2002
June 12, 2002