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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Analysis of Energy Utilization in Indonesia

By Indyah Nurdyastuti

Energy demand for various economic sectors in Indonesia is fulfilled by various energy sources, either fossil fuel or renewable energy. Energy supply from various energy sources is known as energy mix. Energy mix of one economic sector is different from other economic sector. Transportation sector is fulfilled by refined products, natural gas and electricity. Industry sector is fulfilled by refined products, coal, natural gas, electricity and biomass.

Meanwhile electricity generation sector is fulfilled by refined products, coal, natural gas and renewable energy. Energy mix in electricity generation represents also energy utilization status and electricity power generation technology applied. Energy mix of Indonesia is similar to energy mix of Jawa, because most ofelectricity is generated in Jawa.

Percentage of diesel oil and fuel oil utilization for electricity generation is going down, they are substituted by other type of energy such as coal and natural gas.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why is energy of wind power insufficiently been developed in Indonesia ?

In common category of Indonesia is a state without wind. In theory of a minimum wind speed average that can be developed as provider of energy service economically is 4 m/s. Even such there are many regions where wind energy sources very likely developed reasonable, for example Nusa South East, Nusa South West, South and South East of Sulawesi , Karimun java , Northern and South of java Sea shore.

by Chayun Budiono

Monday, April 13, 2009

Indonesian Government plans to build borderland

Now Indonesian Government plans to build borderland in order not to drops behind far with another region, it is perceived very important since concerns defense and economics source security state. Less control of government on borderland that happening all this time so impacted negative as illegal of human traffic ,change over resources go to Neighbor state etc.

From 460 regencies those at Indonesia as much 26 regencies are in borderlands with category drops behind and indigent. Less infrastructure's at than region progressively exacerbate aught condition. One of example is society condition at border of west Borneo such as Badau and Lanjak in comparison with neighbor society (Malaysia)by a long shot affluent, like earth and sky so no wonder a lot of found double civics.

One of infrastructure which expected by border society is the availability of electrification for economy activity, education and information. While at borderland is still a lot of water source that potentially to be made 10-100 Kilowatts of micro hydro power electric .
by Ahmad Suhendra

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Investment estimation for the development of micro hydro power electric in Indonesia

Investment Climate (on grid/not stand alone)
Investment estimation for the development of micro hydro power electric at several regions as one appears on list below
1. Java and Bali (10,000-15,000) Rupiahs/watt
2. Sumatra (15,000-20,000) Rupiahs/watt
3. Borneo (25,000-40,000) Rupiahs/watt
4. Sulawesi (20,000-25,000) Rupiahs/watt
5. Papua (40,000-60,000) Rupiahs/watt
reading source

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Remote area society in papua, Irian Jaya

On July 1998, Remote area society in papua, they waited for
pelton's turbine assembly ( finished assembly in 1999) to electricity on their kampong.
Juli tahun 1998 di daerah pedalaman papua, mereka menunggu pemasangan turbin pelton (selesai tahun 1999) yang akan mengalirkan listrik ke kampung mereka.


Rancang bangun listrik tenaga angin yang menggunakan pipa paralon sebagai blade/sudu, klik disini


By Ahmad Suhendra
Technical guidance of micro pelton turbine design for areas that have high head but small discharge.
Petunjuk teknis rancang bangun turbin pelton mikro untuk daerah yang memiliki head tinggi tetapi debit (flow) kecil.
klik disini


By Ahmad Suhendra
Technical guidelines for measuring water potential of micro-hydro.
Petunjuk teknis pengambilan data air untuk mikrohidro.
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UJI ALAT PENGHEMAT BBM ( magnetic fuel saver experiment )

Do fuel-saving tool that uses a magnetic field strength, can save fuel as advertised which is around 15-25% ?
Apakah alat penghemat BBM yang menggunakan medan magnet dapat menghemat BBM sekitar 15-25%, seperti yang di-iklankan?

Uji coba alat penghemat bahan bakar magnetik, klik disini